night in hell
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CW: SA, violence, cults, etc. disturbing, they are deep web games.
"what is night in hell?"
night in hell is a passion project and AU for welcome to the game, scrutinized, dead signal, and other reflect studios games in that universe. its meant to be a sort of rewrite of the wttg universe to better fit my interests n such. kind of like when fnaf fans make giant aus w their designs and timelines. so... wttg + cade swag.
you dont really need to be a fan of the games to read it, but it is still an au. this is a work in progress, if it wasnt obvious.
the Noir, New York,
ADAM, Clint Edwards, the Breather, Ronald Evans, Amelea Lewis, Lucas Kumiega, Tanner Grayton, the Shade, Luna Youngman, Lydia, Larry, William, Elora, Carol, Charles, Mama's Boy, Pharmacist, Joke Teller, Grandma, John Rolfe, Detective, Connoisseur, Donald McArthur, Ben Zhao, Veronica Johnson, the Doll Maker, the Executioner, the Kidnapper, Mr. Delfalco, Myra, Patrick, Margaret, NYPD, Artworks.
- WTTG takes place in 2016, Waiting Room takes place in late 2017, WTTG2 early 2018, Scrutinized in 2020, and Dead Signal 2022
- everything is set in new york
- the au is a bit inspired by batman, but more of the colorful media like "batman forever"
the Noir
a mysterious deep web cult that kidnaps and hunts innocent people for the entertainment of others. theyre a huge group based in new york, that controls most of the elite and others through blackmail, extortion, or bribery. they indulge in sex trafficking, snuff-filming, organ trade, and similar practices. lead and founded by Adam, with Lydia taking charge when he isnt around. all information on the Noir is completely wiped, the only ones who know of it are people heavily involved in the deep web, or members. most of the members are manipulated or forced to join be it through religious, financial, or psychological reasons.
they have a giant headquarters that consists of a sleek, sort-of-tall building. the floors are used to house members, equipment, and the like, while lower floors (basements) are where they film the red rooms and keep people as prisoners. at the very top is Adam's office, wich has a gigantic window covered in newspapers and such about the Noir's crimes, and a desk in the middle of it. the room is decorated with fancy paintings and similar things, but is a claustrophobic and intimidating mess.
all of the Noir members are forced to wear dark clothes and a white mask when operating for the Noir. members of a higher rank wear black masks, and more independent members dont wear masks at all. the Noir mostly host red rooms in the deep web for entertainment, as thats their main goal. other things are more of.. other business opportunities.
members: Myra, Patrick, Lydia, Adam, the Breather, the Executioner, and Ronald.
allies: Lucas, Tanner, the Kidnapper, and some corrupt cops
New York
it may say its new york, but i dont care about new york, so no inspiration from there. the entire place has a creepy vibe where is something is wrong, but nobody can actually quite place what. something isnt correct/normal about the city, but no one says anything about it because its been that way for so long. too much swept under the rug. its a grotesque, crime-infested cesspool imploding from the inside. graffiti everywhere, glowing signs, night clubs, casinos, tall apartments and the like.
as for the aesthetic of the city, it depends. it can be shown with a futuristic, dark neon aesthetic. very chaotic and slightly dystopian, with mostly blacks, dark purples, and dark blues... or it can be shown with a more gothic aesthetic, grimy dark grays and blacks, with clean architecture. or who knows maybe you can make it cottagecore. i think the city can be any aesthetic of choosing. (the aesthetics of the people themselves are a different thing since it depends on the character.
Age: rude question!
Nationality: american
Gender: lady pretending to be a guy (NOT trans, just a liar)
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: that one special person ;)
fun fact: he has a really long skin care routine
about him: Adam is the leader of the Noir, a completely anonymous "man" who started as a simple human trafficker supplying snuff-filmers with victims, before founding the Noir. hes friends with Lydia, Lucas, the Breather, and a few others. portrays himself as a random guy in the deep web who just "happens to know too much". scrawny, soft-spoken, doesnt appear as threatening until he really shows how much power he holds. acts perfectly polite, but is quick to anger. despite portraying himself as sophisticated, he is a weirdo at heart. always looks cunning.
sees his cult and murders as an art form, and believes in things such as "survival of the fittest" and "thats just the way of the world". huge manipulator, most of the Noir are technically just his victims (or friends too), not a religious man but has told the Noir members hes "God" and forces them to address him that way. sadistic asshole with a god complex. doesnt really care about anyones lives, and doesnt enjoy the murdering itself, but does enjoy being powerful and evil. infamous and influential figure between people who have actually met him face-to-face, everyone else doesnt really know of him.
Adam was raised in a religious conservative cult in the plains, and was raised to believe he was meant to bring evil into earth. he soon realized who he really was after killing a few animals and realizing he felt nothing. then he and Lydia decided to run away on the nearest train to the city.
Clint Edwards (welcome to the game 2 protag)
Age: 29 in 2018, 33 in 2022
Nationality: american
Gender: gendah flooid
Pronouns: he/she
sexuality: doomed bisexual
fun fact: his favorite flower is the lotus
about him: Clint is a quiet, snarky man. mostly asocial. hed rather do his job and be shut in his house on the computer all day. speaking of his job, he works as an investigative reporter, usually stuck researching things he doesnt really care about, but its a stable job. hes an intrepid man, on one side being determined and relentless, on the other side hes pretty weak and puts himself over other people when it comes to dangerous situations. (he does have more of a moral compass than everyone else though) instead of doing jobs hes assigned to do, Clint would rather (in a way that isnt popular with the cops) look into the various strange murders and dissapearances around the city, having a strange obsession with crime. after 2018 he starts drinking and becomes an alcoholic.
Clint was born to two loving parents, and raised in a poor household, where he was taught love mattered more than money always. at the age of 10, his parents died in a tragic accident and he was left on an orphanage. Clint didnt let anyone adopt him and eventually got out of the orphanage with two other kids named Larry and Elora. he lived in the streets for a while before moving in with Elora when he got older and schooling himself, eventually getting a stable job and moving to his own apartment.
"The Breather"
Age: 33 in 2018
Nationality: american
Gender: guy
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: too fucked up for all that
fun fact: he got kicked out of college when he was younger
about him: the Breather is a serial killer, who specifically targets people involved with the deep web (due to Adam's orders, he just wants to kill anyone). he is psychotic and sadistic in nature, he used to hide these traits and attempt a normal life, before becoming a drug addict. after this he begins a killing spree, and then later on joins the Noir after attempting to kill Lydia. he enjoys the chase of killing more than the empty feeling after it, and sets rules and challenges for himself. he gained the name of "the Breather" since he would constantly harrass his victims with calls, most of wich would just be his heavy breathing. he lives in the Noir building due to not having a home himself, but doesnt stay there forl ong as hed rather pack all his things in a bag and travel through the city, listening to music. hes chill when he isnt drugged up.
Ronald Evans (dead signal protag)
Age: 39 in 2022
Nationality: chilean
Gender: cis man
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: closeted bisexual and polyamorous
fun fact: he eats ramen very often
about him: Ronald is a hacker for the Noir, former worked of the Shade, and even more formerly had a job in digital security at a big company. he used to be married and wanting a child, after his wifes pregnancy he began getting involved in hacktivism wich she didnt approve of, then got fired from his job, then got divorced. he was reached out to by the Shade to join ViVEX, and then later joined the Noir after Adam offered.
he still loves his wife and daughter, but they dont want to see him ever again. hes selfish, pessimistic, and sarcastic. he loves horror movies, anime, and owns accounts on imageboorus and such. he has skills for hacking mostly but is also good at robotics and engineering. he cant cook for shit though. if you throw a rock at him he screams.
amelea lewis
Age: 22 in 2018, deceased (bday 25th of june)
Nationality: brazilian
Gender: usually girl
Pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual, but mostly girls
fun fact: shes a christian
about her: she is a reporter and victim of the Noir. shes more succesful than Clint, both in her job and relationships. she dug too deep, and then got hunted by the Noir, kidnapped, and killed. she is a christian and leftist, who loves more than anything her family. shes friends with Clint, Luna, and Larry. Adam's main reason for killing her was not just for her reporting, but also to bait Clint.
Lucas Kumiega
Age: 42 in 2018
Nationality: polish
Gender: man
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: fuck off
fun fact: he loves his mom a lot
about him: lucas is a hitman and "friend" of Adam's, who tries to kill CLint and Ronald. he is unscrupulous and ruthless. he sold secrets to the enemy during his service in the army, and spent years in prison for it. (that and also a bit of gambling) hes currently a greedy man who performs assassinations for money, he has a slight sense of honor but hes still a jerk. he's ex-Polish military, a war criminal and an ex-con. hes a smart man, but has too much of an ego to admit when hes wrong. all he cares about is money, money, money.
Tanner Grayton
Age: 27 in 2020
Nationality: american
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: pansexual (evil)
fun fact: he has a twitter
about him: a cheerful and equivocal cannibal and misogynist. hes indebted to Adam permanently due to being a former member of the Noir, and occasionally they help eachother. he enjoys messing with his victims head and causing people paranoia. despite acting mad, Tanner is a smart man, with vast knowledge of forensic and behavioral science. he used to work as a doctor at some point, but got caught doing not-so-legal things with the bodies. has moments of self-awareness and hates anyone who does similar things to the ones he does.
"the Shade"
Age: 45 in 2022, deceased
Nationality: mexican
Gender: guess
Pronouns: he/it
sexuality: too alpha for love
fun fact: he likes zombie movies
about him: leader of ViVEX, an organization that has access to various security cameras and sells their footage (and other "equipment") in the deep web. used to be the boss of Ronald, before getting kidnapped by the Noir due to having access to information only the Noir should have. gave this information to Clint, who agreed to be allies with the Shade (albeit begrudginly) since they had a common enemy.
Luna Youngman (scrutinized protag)
Age: 30 in 2020
Nationality: british
Gender: demigirl
Pronouns: she/they
sexuality: bisexual polyamorous
fun fact: she likes tea a lot
about her: Criminal Investigations Analyst for the District Attorney's office and president of the local neighborhood watch. wants to find her cousin (and soul sister) Sarah after her sudden disappearance. she suffers from insomnia and anxiety after her encounters with Tanner and the Kidnapper. proud misandrist and soft poem lover.
Lydia / "the nympho" (welcome to the game 1 protag)
Age: you dont ask a lady that! (34)
Nationality: american
Gender: sexy lady
Pronouns: she/her
sexuality: wouldnt you like to know?
fun fact: dating Charles
about her: Adam's childhood friend and right-hand woman. shes more toned-down and less delusional than Adam. altough shes still arrogant... her motives are simply that shes a sadist and gets off on the torture and pain of others. she grew up with Adam as a normal cult little girl and was the one to convince him to run away together when she was 13 and he was 10.
Age: "43" in 2018 (actually 31), deceased
Nationality: american
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: eh
about him: larry is an accountant and overall nice but greedy man, he has a few charges of fraud under his belt. his hobbies include birdwatching, walks in the park, and wood burning.
William / "The Blueblood Killer" (the waiting room protag)
Age: 33 in 2017, deceased
Nationality: american
Gender: agender
Pronouns: he/she
sexuality: whatever
fun fact: dating larry
about her: seemingly normal person, fellow reporter and close associate of Amelea's. secretly a serial killer that targets members of the law such as cops or investigators. died in 2017 but his work was continued by the Noir posing as her.
Elora (rides with strangers protag)
fun fact:
about her:
Carol / "The Dungeon Master "
Age: 23
Nationality: canadian
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: incel
fun fact: he likes wolves
about him: a stereotypical anxious neck-beard, spends all time on the internet being nasty and is very antisocial and nervous around attractive women. he works as a cashier and likes roleplaying games.
Charles / "the gentleman"
Age: 35
Nationality: american
Gender: handsome guy
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: bisexual (evil)
fun fact: dating Lydia
about him: misogynist and psychopath, he likes to rape and kill women, despite presenting himself as a charming and curious man. he cares for nothing but his own satisfaction and has no real personality other than his exterior. he is extremely greedy. virulently racist, sexist, classist, murderous, torturous, homophobic, and anti-Semitic. yuppie trash.
"the Momma's Boy"
Age: 38
Nationality: american
Gender: MAN
Pronouns: the guy ones
sexuality: uugh what
fun fact: "a boys best friend is his mother"
about him: traffic guard whos been mentally stunted at a young age and is extremely dependent on his mother. really creepy towards women due to his mothers abuse, and gets extremely mad when people reject his advances.
"the pharmacist"
fun fact:
about him:
"the joke teller"
fun fact: hes homeless
about him:
"the grandmother"
fun fact: married to the doll maker
about him:
John Rolfe
fun fact:
about him:
"the detective"
Age: 40
Nationality: nigeria
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: straight (evil)
fun fact: carries his pistol everywhere
about him:
"the connoisseur"
Age: 32
Nationality: canadian
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: i dont know dude
fun fact: yummy opioid
about him: dealer of illegal substances, with heavy paranoia and fear of getting caught and reported. he takes "some of" his own merchandise.
Donald Earl McArthur / "the father"
Age: 51
Nationality: canadian
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
sexuality: little boys
fun fact: he hates his mother Clair
about him: was molested and groomed by priests at a young age, and this caused him to later on become a pedophile himself, and more importantly a murderer as he seeked revenge against them and every other person he deems a "heretic".
Ben Zhao
fun fact:
about him:
Veronica Johnson
fun fact:
about her:
"the Doll Maker"
fun fact: tanner refuses to speak to him even though theyre family
about him:
"the executioner"
Age: 38 in 2017
Nationality: american
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/it
sexuality: bisexual
fun fact: he likes my little pony
about him: a theatrical man who finds pleasure in the pain of others. hes the main man doing the torturing in the red rooms that the Noir hosts, and occasionally helps with the kidnapping. hes a smart man with knowledge of the human body and mind, mostly to make his victims feel pain more effectivly. his methods of torture include butchering people with all sorts of surgical tools, drilling into their skulls, bathing them in acid, pumping their stomachs, leaving them alone in small rooms, or using hallucinogenic acids. he tends to be casual about the whole thing and how he treats his victims, while also going out of his way to put on a nice show.
"the kidnapper"
fun fact:
about him:
Mr. Delfalco
fun fact:
about him:
fun fact:
about her:
fun fact:
about him:
Margaret / "the shidu"
Age: 33
Gender: female
fun fact:
about her: unstable
New York Police Department
artworks n such