boring online diary...
jan 4, 2024jan 1, 2024
dec 25, 2023
dec 23, 2023
dec 17, 2023
dec 16, 2023
dec 14, 2023
dec 11, 2023
dec 10, 2023
dec 9, 2023
test date
january 4, 2024 - 10 pm
hiiii soooo new news newssss not much has happened.
i think immm getting my computer fixed by march. hopefully... march is also my birth month :3. on the 21.
other news.... idk...i tried to apply for a translating job. maybe that will work out. maybe not... probably not.
ive also been watching a lot of netflix since i got that again. i watched a bunch of zombie stuff and binge watched the legend of korra. now im binge watching the last airbender.
started part 3 right now and GOD zuko is such a boyfailure i love this guy. i wish there was more zuko silly scenes that didnt involve him being rlly mad
right now... im eating cereal with milk. a classic... for a post-dinner snack before i sleep. and watching atla too. toph is so silly shes literally me
i think i put too much cereal but before i had the opposite problem of too much milk and id rather eat more cereal than milk... i dont know why i want to talk about cereal right now
i have nothing to talk about yall. most interesting news is that im getting my pc fixed.
another interesting thing is that i remade my carrd completely today. i added a "byf" part but thats about it. all the other changes are purely aesthetic. i think it looks ugly but ughhh idk why. maybe im judging myself too much. barbecue said it looked good....
i might remake it again but i think i need to clear my head first. im being toooo judgy of myself again x3
thats all folks!!!! next time! maybe!
january 1, 2024 - 1 am
so... its 2024 now. wow! its been. a year for sure! im supposed to talk about my year here but it was very stressful so i wont.
i think 2023 has been the year where my site actually started existing properly... before it was just... not me basically. im happy with it.
for new years i went to my grandmas, but truth be, it hasnt been that great. as visiting grandmas always is, haha. im writing this there right now, its 12:12. am.... duh.
im really tired. funnily enough back then i could pull all nighters constantly and function perfectly during the day. but these days... the second the clock strikes 11 i pass out like a stardew valley character at 2 am.
im surviving on a large amount of coca cola right now. i also didnt eat much because im a very picky eater... against my will... id eat it if i could but eating foods i cant stomach makes me vomit. shucks! should i put a cw for that? ill figure it out later.
im a bit worried for my dog. my mama decided to leave her home alone... i havent heard many fireworks but there definitely has been a few. i really want to go home.
the rest of my day was spent normally. unremarkable. it honestly made new years feel like just another day... boring a bit. i dont know how to feel about that.
i spent a bit drawing. naturally in a special time like new years i drew myself and my husband doug. it feels a bit cringe ... i dont know. i mean, im happy with selfshipping but i really overthink... what would people think about this?
since i was already feeling cringe i ended up drawing nsfw of him :3
im a teen so obviously im a horny fuck who draws nsfw, but my brain is internet rotten. i kind of have this thing where i have to post all my art online. as an archive. make sure what i drew is somewhere...
it sucks when i draw nsfw, because obviously, im not posting that anywhere. because it would be stupid of me to do so as a child. but yknow.... well. you dont... but still.
is this too much info? sorry. im bored at grandmas so i just keep typing. i want something to do
happy new years (again). im cade (obviously). and i hope 2024 is full of happy times for you... i dont actually know what people say on new years.
december 25, 2023 - 10 pm
hiii!! sorry i didnt write yesterday.. i actually have an excuse this time though... i was sick. with a horrible fever... almost died. (thats a joke i didnt i was. i was fine)
couldnt go to grandmas for christmas bc my fever was so bad so i stayed at home. mom skipped too to stay with me wich im grateful for <3
some family sent me gifts... mainly clothes and art supplies. most interesting was probably the little bag to put pencils in i got, that was pretty cool.
i didnt eat anything special for christmas, except three really hard gingerbread cookies... those cookies are honestly the best part of christmas for me.
i also had a mango and chicken soup... win win.
again, nothing special to say. was sick mostly so i didnt do anything special. i was hoping to draw something special for christmas today, and im still gonna try, but im not sure if ill actually be able to.... woops. shucks.
as for more on me being sick, well i mainly had a fever. at times i was very cold and sweattyyy. i didnt have a sore throat or snot or anything just... fever. my legs were really weak though.
i also got a stomachache but i think thats related to the fact i forgot to eat pretty often this week because... well i honestly dont have a reason. i kind of just kept forgetting. its easier for me to remember to eat when my little brother is here because he eats in a schedule... because hes a baby.
thats all i have to say i think. sorry my christmas kind of sucked. happy holidays though!
december 23, 2023 - 8 pm
sorry i havent written. been a boring time overall. christmas is coming though, so i guess i have that to write about.

nothing much happened today. i got locked outside for like an hour because my dog is a TRAITOR and she CLOSED THE FRONT DOOR ON ME!!! my mom laughed at me when i sent her a message saying i got locked out.
i bought strawberry ice cream so that was good. been also making small updates around the site, mainly behind the scenes stuff yknow.. maybe there will be a sitemap and an updates oage soon? ....maybe. no promises.
again, nothin much happened. my brother left to spend christmas with his dad and my mom spends most of her days in her bedroom. and my dog... well shes always crazy so at this point why write about it.
something nice that happened todayy... well, me and barbecue are matching pfps now on our private instagram accounts. thats pretty cool... im connor and barbecue is nines.
my phone is still chipped and my computer still not charging. its still a source of stress for me but im chilling. (no im not help me)
and yes, i have been updating the site purely on my phone. including editing the new pages im making and writing on the diary... im pretty sure the images look ways too big on computer but i cant even check! nightmareish!
much love, cade!
december 17, 2023 - 10 pm
once again a boring day. my brother comes back from staying at his dads tommorrow.
i ate a rlly spicy ramen. this is i think the second time? i eat ramen every so often but spicy not so much... last time i couldnt even drink the soup because it was too spicy. today i did! didnt finish it because it was a little too much for me... was already full. 10/10.
im planning on doing a christmas week thing and doing one drawing everyday for a week... will i actually be able to do it? i dunnooooo but ill try.
on other news my computer is STILL not charging. maybe i can try to get it fixed by my birthday? its on march... dunno if online school starts before it or not. i just kinda need my pc.
not my only fucked up electronic right now either. my phone has been cracked for a while but now it has a big gap in the corner... screen got a chunk off... i can see the phones inside.
i think the phone will survive... long enough. so main priority right now is the computer. maybe christmas is promising enough to get a new phone, but i doubt it.... (definitely wont be able to get pc fixed by christmas tho... goddd this sucks)
god bless you, and goodnight!
december 16, 2023 - 8 pm
haiii eeveryone... so i didnt write yesterdya.... woops
wasnt interesting rhough. i ate pizza. thats kinda it... today i spent a lot of time with my dog. her name is Koni, but sometimes i call her yaoi savior.. for no reason.
its in my to-do list to make a page just for her actually bc i luv her qkjs

on other news im tryinggg to get into the walking dead and life is strange. i have a playlists of videos to watch... already watching a full playthrough of the walking dead... luv clementine
dont havr much to say without sounding like im venting bc mama was a bit mean today. but its been an alright day all in all.
with love, pictures of my dog.

december 14, 2023 - 8 pm
haiii! so i know. i know i forgot the other days, sorry bout that. i legitimately forgot.
been rlly stressed bc of my pc not charging. im good now tho, im good!
not much happened today, to be honest. its been a boring day... like usual. i got accepted into the online school i wanted to go, so thats good! lets hope i dont fuck this up...
i found out barbecue apparently had a crush on me for a bit? so thats silly. lel
to be honest most of my day was spent doodling welcome to the game stuff... because god i love that game. and all the other games with it. im planning on making a clint shrine bc he is my babygirl and i love him

hes so gorgeous my silly guy ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ i love him smmmm!!!!
also i got a jawbreaker for the first time ever. it tasted good. i dont know if i can finish it.

december 11, 2023 - 8 pm
HELLO HELLO HELLO!!!!!! so not much has happened today. its been a boring time.
biggest news i have is that my computer is not charging once again. siiighhhh. this always happens to me, so im mainly just. empty more than sad.
(kinda hoping for a miracle who knows)
on god news, pancakes were made today. the only picture i took is from my instagram so,,,, yeah. but they were delicious :3

and yes i do eat my pancakes with nothing on them. i mean, they had a bit of sugar? i ate like 5 i think
signing off because my tummy hurts.
december 10, 2023 - 4 pm
goooodddd day everyone! it is i, cade. today, we went to the beach. sort of. most of it was the bus rides. we did 4.
4 bus rides and its 4 pm and my brother is 4 years old. i think 444 represents clarity and decisiveness, but im feeling the opposite right now.
anyhow, it was fun. but in a "it realllyyy sucked so now i cant help but laugh about it" kinda way. the beach was horrible. it was very cold (its summer here by the way, not winter. just stating), the wind was LOUD AS HELL like once we got out of the beach my ears hurt like hell for a solid few hours. highlight of it all was probably the strawberry juice i drank. IT WAS SO GOOD. i mean, we also ate empanadas. i have no idea what the english word for empanada is. is it like pie or something?
there werent any buses going directly back to where we live bc there was a huge fire (like the electricity cut off yesterday kinda fire), so we had to take two buses to go and two buses to get back. i like bus rides, theyre actually kinda relaxing. its nice to look out the window and not think.
i was planning to take pictures, but the beach was really terrible so i forgot. my phone ran out of battery quickly anyway. now we just arrived back and i decided to type this before i forget. especially since i feel nothing interesting will happen later. oh, we bought strawberry ice cream on the way back too. maybe thats the best part of today?
december 9, 2023 - 11 am
thats right, ive started a diary or journal or blog or idk. i dont know wich fits this more.
hopefully i dont forget to update it but i just might LOL
the reason i made it is bc yesterday was a really tiring day like a lot happened.
nothing much to say about it since i dont wanna type about yesterday but basically i was in a sewer and i smell terrible still probably.
it was also the last day of school for this year, though i went only one day this week. bye bye wont miss ya!
anyhooowww for today uh... well ive been a bit stressed since my pc battery has died. i mean im not sure if it has... but it probably has. it is what it is (im freaking out bc its actually a bad thing for me)
anyway, yeah! this page has been started! ive actually made it on my cracked phone so i have no idea if its any good. but hey, it works! thats.. good.
the day has just started, to me atleast since i wake up at 10. so, not much to say. i just really wanted to write something.
much love, cade! <3
full test date - time
content warning:
test content warning
text. this is just a test that i can use as a guide for myself... mainly to keep myself organized. dont mind it. no im not deleting it.