birthday record
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collection of birthday wishes and gifts and such.

marlowe's gift :3 (1am, 22nd)

lux wishing me happy bday (1pm)

lemon wishing me happy bday (12pm)

kay's gifts :3

zach wishing me happy bday (12pm)

simon wishing me happy bday (11am)

kitt wishing me happy bday (11am)

cal wishing me happy bday (10am)

max wishing me happy bday (10am)

saku wishing me happy bday (10am)

luzara wishing me happy bday again (9am)

kenny wishing me happy bday (9am)

victoria wishing me happy bday (9am)

sunny wishing me happy bday (12am)

kay wishing me happy bday (3am)

mingming wishing me happy bday (7am)

barbecue wishing me happy bday (7am)

luzara's gift :3

luzara wishing me happy bday (7am)

elon wishing me happy bday (2pm, 20th)

marlowe wishing my happy bday (2pm, 20th)

kenny's gift :3 (only thing archived, believed to be at around 7pm)