game log

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sort of a history of games i play and such, kinda messy thats my bad since i constantly forget to log such things. havent had time to play much lately.

undertale yellow
started: 30/4/24, still playing

started: 22/3/24, still playing

lil' guardsman
started: 5/3/24, finished: 6/3/24
adored this game. every part of it is fun, charming, and occasionally goofy. the artwork especially is real cute!

minecraft: story mode
started: 3/2/24, still playing

life is strange remastered
started: 30/1/24, still playing

batman: the telltale series
started: 20/1/24, finished: 21/1/24
if you know me you know this game drove me to absolute madness. thats all i have to say.