welcome to my home!a pixel doll laughing wickedly

mary from ib rpg being pet

hellooo! this is my site! currently a work in progress thanks to my terrible motivation (and the fact i barely understand what im doing) + its going through a TOTAL REVAMP!!! so.. yeah. its gonna be messy for a while.

for now you can check out..

more coming im working on it ok!???

this site was made in firefox 1366x768, but should look perfectly fine anywhere else. (i hope)
always tested on mobile by my pal barbecue.

my button if you wanna link me :D


you can sign my guestbook if youd like!

webrings/fanlistings! resident evil series batman silent hill 2 stardew valley heather morris maria pyramid portal 2

♡2022-2024 copying is an act of love. please copy.